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Sunday, 2 September 2007


Brynjar Bandlien got his education in his native Norway at Staten Balletthøgskole in Oslo, and at Ballettschule der Hamburgische Staatsoper in Germany. In 1995 he joined Nederlands Dans Theater 2 in Den Haag with which he toured Europe, USA and South Africa. After 3 years in NDT2 he started working as freelance dancer and choreographer with Manuel Pelmus (Punct Fix), Philipp Gehmacher (Mountains are Mountains), Raimund Hoghe (Tanzgeschichten ;Young People, Old Voices and Swan Lake, 4 acts), Vera Mantero (Until The Moment When God Is Destroyed By The Extreme Exercise Of Beauty) and Antonia Livingstone (----------a Situation for Dance). He premiered his first group piece called “O” at Dansens Hus in Oslo in march 2006. Since 2003 Bandlien has had his base in Bucharest, Romania.

Musician and performer based in Lille, David Bausseron plays guitar and MIDI guitar with several improvised and experimental music groups (La Pieuvre, De Nouvelles Erreurs, X-trio, Electric Cue...) but also provides his guitarist skills to pop bands (Oublis Miniatures, Numéro h...) and composes film music (Le Témoin Muet...). As a actor, performer and musician he collaborated to dance and theatre projects with companies Real Dance Super Sentai, A.T.T.I.L.A, Trois Quart Face...), and elaborates his own multimedia stage solo projects with his company Murmur Music (Le Chant du Bouc, Shaman Reset...).

Julien Bruneau is based in Belgium where he first studied visual art. His artistic research led him towards dance, his main activity since then. His current approach to contemporary dance passes by a continuous personal research and practice concerned by the articulation of body and mind. For several years, he creates his own pieces and collaborates with people involved in various art fields. In 2006, he creates “vrac pli” at Netwerk (Aalst), a solo on Luigi Nono’s music. Since then, he is working on oint.oint., a dance project with live music, text and sound poetry, together with the guitarist Hugues Warin. His next piece, “ v a s t e ”, combines dance and photography on stage, in collaboration with Palestinian artists from Idioms Film collective. It is produced by Temps d’Images/ Les Halles (Bruxelles) and will be shown at Roma Europa Festival (Roma). Beside he is also a performer for other’s project, among others for Stefan Dreher’s company. (2004-2007).

Ines Birkhan, born in Vienna, living in Berlin since 2005, studied fine arts and sculpture at the Academy of Applied Arts in Vienna, then dance and choreography at the SNDO (School for New Dance Development) in Amsterdam. Since then she continuously works on her own performances and film/video, such as Alpiner Exorzismus (2003/2004), Butterflies, Sex and Hypochondria (2005/2007), Mythen für der Zukunft (2005/2006), den kreisrunden Todengwalzer tanzen (2006/2007). She danced a. o. with Barbara Kraus, Kurt Koegel, Benoit Lachambre, Frans Poelstra, Michael Schumacher, Robert Steijn, Frank van den Ven, Lito Walkey... Since 2004 she is co-director of the performing arts company Real Dance Super Sentai. In the last years she also involved in writing - her first book being published in March 2007 by Peter Lang Verlag, Vienna.

Bertram Dhellemmes lives and works in Berlin. First works as a visual artist, a video maker and a musician (two CDs released on the label Kinpatsu, another one on Even Stilte), then combines these different disciplines to transmedia practice, such as cinema (Alpiner Exorzimus with Ines Bikhan, 2004, short movie Partie 0.1, 1998) and transmedia performances (Oudapo, L.I.S.I.M., Ubik, N log h…). From his performer involvement, studies and works since 1996 with long term dancers of Min Tanaka's butoh company Maijuku, particularly with Christine Quoiraud and Body Weather Amsterdam (Frank van de Ven, Katerina Bakatsaki), and with Min Tanaka himself, a. o. during a stay in Japan in 1999, while also taking classes of Akira Kasai and Kazuo Ohno. His last years are mainly dedicated to dance — a. o. creating and directing the company Real Dance Super Sentai for the creation of Of human being as an animal degenerated by intelligence in 2003 — most of the time relating with music, video, new media and spatial devices, in an on-going transmedia research. Also art and cinema critic and theoretician.

Dolores Hulan, born in Wels/Austria. Education in Contemporary Dance in Linz/Austria from 1992-1996. 1997 move to Belgium to follow the P.E.P. (performance educational program) in Leuven. Since then working with choreographers both in Austria and Belgium such as Guillermo Horta, Irene Borguet-Kalbusch, Bob Curtis, cie. Die Tanzenden, cie. HushHushHush, Willi Dorner, Milli Bitterli and Brice Leroux. Furthermore Research and Improvisation Projects with various artists: solo work in NADINE/Brussels: “no sweet conclusions”, “(blind I) walk”, “Gudrun”. Currently works on the research project “Performing Qualia” together with Carl de Smet.

Anouk Llaurens was born in France in 1969. She lives now in Bruxelles, Belgium. Since her graduation from the CNDC in Angers (Centre National de Danse Contemporaine) in 1992, she is working as dancer, choreographer and teacher. She danced in the pieces of the choreographers Michele-Anne De Mey (B), Barbara Manzetti (B), Tony Thatcher (UK) and Yolanda Snaith (UK). She adapted “Room”, a Deborah Hay’s choreography in 2006. As a choreographer she mainly created solo works: ‘Lou’ , 'Ritournelle', ‘You are the only one’, and ‘Hélium’, currently in progress. In those pieces she explores the relationship between heaviness and lightness, working with body, objects, light and sound. Between 2000 and 2007, Anouk participated in numerous improvised and trans-disciplinary performances in collaboration since 1998 with the video artist Els Van Riel (B), land artist Sabine Fazékas (F) and musicians Julian Eckhart (B), Dora Attila (H), Jim Denley (A), and Elge Interegger (AU). She practices Lisa Nelson ‘Tuning score” since 1998 and is part of a research group gathering regularly in Brussels to question it. She is currently involved in “ v a s t e ” a project of Julien Bruneau in collaboration with Idioms Film, a Palestinian visual artists collective based in Ramallah.

Silvia Platzer is cellist and performer, coming from classical music (Utrecht-Amsterdam, NL). Then went through actingschool (Michael Tchechow Acting Technique, T.T.S. in Leiden, NL; several international workshops in Amsterdam, NY, Irkutsk - Siberia), physical theatre (de Kleine Academie Brussels, school for creative theatre - method Lecoq), voice training (Roy Heart Theatre at Maelström in Brussels). These different approaches to artistic performance led her towards free improvisation on the cello and continuing research on movement (Bodyweather, Dance improvisation, Body-mind-centering, Ki-training) and sound. She currently works mainly in free improvisation, experimental music, multidisciplinary performances and installations. Several collaborations with ensemble Q-O2 in Brussels. In collaboration with Laster Studio and M. A. Demey she has taken part in several improvised performances as musician and mover, amongst others with Kirstie Simson, Khosro Adibi, Jim Denley.

Armand van den Hamer is a choreographer, dancer and teacher specialised in contemporary dance techniques, improvisation and the making of conceptual performances with a theatrical accent. Graduated in 2000 from the European Dance Development in Arnhem. Since 1998 he is developing a way to dance which integrates bodywork with theatricality and conceptual possibilities. Besides his own works (a. o. On Common Ground I-IV, Loco Motion, Contemporary Rituals) he has been invited to create work in the Netherlands, Finland and Japan. He collaborated as a performer in several multi-disciplinary improvisation projects and worked a dancer with a. o. David Zambrano, Salva Sanchis, Maria Clara Villa Lobos and company Mossoux-Bonté.

Hugues Warin's music is based on an experimental process rooted in several musical sources : rock, improvised music, jazz, noise... After studying in Jazz Studio (Antwerp), he founded the experimental rock band RawFrücht (1996-99), releasing two albums on the label SubRosa and touring in Europe, opening a.o. for Tom Cora, David Shea, Ruins, SunRa Arkestra, Meira Eisher... He also composes for theatre and plays guitar for Daniel Hélin between 2001 and 2005. He is currently busy with opening his music to performance, dance and poetry, collaborating with the poet Antoine Boute for the duo Viande au Plancher, and with the dancer Julien Bruneau for the project oint.oint.